After those few laps around the playground on Monday, I was feeling like I was on the cusp of my comeback. On Tuesday, I literally dusted off my 20 year old roller blades, which my husband informed me have been sitting under the work table in our garage since we moved into our house...six years ago. I had to evict a few spiders that were living inside and jerry rig the top strap on the left skate, but once I had them on, I felt half my age. Pushing Camryn in the jogging stroller brought me right back to 35, but man was it fun skating the boardwalk again!

I was tempted to skate the entire length of the boardwalk and back, but I knew skating with the stroller into the wind on the way back would be pretty tough and turned around at King Neptune instead. It was an invigorating four miles, and it felt so good to do something that was physically challenging that didn't cause pain in my knee.
I also managed to get through a P90X3 plyometric workout on Wednesday, and there wasn't much I had to modify either. Squatting, lunging, and even jumping felt fine, and I iced when I was finished as a precaution. I got through all of my exercises at PT on Friday feeling great, and was given permission to hop on the treadmill for a few minutes before I sat for ice and my ionto patch. That lasted all of .3 miles before my knee started bugging me. For the love...
And that's just how this week has been. A roller coaster ride of feeling great, then feeling like I have made absolutely no progress whatsoever. Running Brynn to the bus stop because it came early? Felt great! Riding my beach cruiser on a gloriously sunny day? Ouch. P90X3's MMX workout? Felt great! Running a .4 mile loop around my neighborhood? Ouch. What gives??? I'm frustrated at's torture seeing Ryan rack up the miles while I pack on the pounds. I'm frustrated at PT...I'm progressing with the exercises, yet I still feel no improvement.
My poor kids are even being dragged into this...I made Brynn run a test drive around the block with me this morning. For one, I enjoyed her company. Secondly, her presence kept me from throwing a hissy fit once pain started creeping in. And third, maybe my neighbors would think I was running slowly because my kid was with me. Yeah, that's it...she totally slowed me down. But Brynn was a good sport, and she seems eager to help me feel better. She really could have a bright future in the medical field, as evidenced by her deep tissue massage skills:
That girl can dig an elbow into a glute like a champ! You can borrow her, but it'll cost you.
I'm not sure what else I could or should be doing. "Time" seems to be the four letter word I keep hearing the most, so I guess I'll have to work on that whole patience thing. Not my forte. My one request, however, is this:
Thanks much.