This summer is totally slip sliding away. With August now looking back at me from the dry erase calendar on the fridge, I am officially resigning to the fact that I will simply not find my groove when it comes to working out this summer. I have made a valiant effort, but much like a few other areas of my life, I am sitting here and admitting I cannot do it all.
Well, maybe I should say I will not do it all. As in I will not trade any one of my three measly rehab runs for a strength workout. My #1 goal is to get back to healthy running, so I need to run. If my back and biceps get a little mushy because I had to choose running over Tony, so be it.
And I will not let my kids watch an hour of tv to start each morning because I want to work out. They're pretty great at playing independently, but they do have their limits. If left unsupervised (either by myself or the boob tube) for too long, the claws will come out...and I will not press pause to break up a fight over Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle weaponry. Besides, I need to reserve what little time I let them watch tv during the summer for when I really need it.
And I will not push my children in a double stroller. They're too big and it blows and I simply refuse to do it again.
And I will not slow my pace so Camryn can keep up on her bike. In theory, it was a perfect plan...I run while the kids pedal happily beside me for miles and miles. In reality (and despite pedaling as fast as her skinny little legs would go), Camryn fell far behind in the first 1/4 mile (luckily Ryan was along for that ride). Sorry kid, but Mama's gotta do work. Brynn did a great job staying with me for 3 miles, but my runs are getting longer each week. With any luck, I'll be feeling good enough to pick up the pace before the end of summer, and I'm not sure Brynn will be able to (safely) keep up. This was so much fun though:
So I think in order to hold on to any trace of sanity I may have left, I'm gonna have to make like Elsa and let it go. I have to make my runs and my legs and core strengthening my top priorities, and if I manage to squeeze in some other workouts during the week, bonus.
Speaking of my sanity, it got a little bit of a boost last week. With both kids in karate camp all day every day, I got a nice little break from wearing all the hats I wear when they're home. And the fact that they absolutely loved it was icing on the cake.
Brynn and her bo staff
Camryn practicing her figure 8s
And to make the week even more fantabulous, we got a visit from my #1 from Thursday through Monday. It had been almost a year since Dayna and I had been in the same room, which is probably the longest time apart in our 18 year friendship. It's been a hell of a year for both of us, and it was so great to have her here and not skip a beat. We even got to spend a few hours on the beach with no husbands or kids to demand our attention. Brilliant, I tell you.
Dayna and I also saddled up on the beach cruisers and rode up to the amphitheater to catch DMB in concert for the umpteenth time. It was my birthday gift from Kevin, Meghan, and Jude, and two of the three came to the show with us:
Going to a Dave show has a sort of timelessness about it. I've gone to his concerts at so many different stages of my life, and the more my fellow concert goers change, the more Dave stays the same. There were people like us, of course, but there were people a decade or two older, sitting in beach chairs and sipping overpriced concert wine. There were preppy college guys, which has always been the norm at a Dave show. There were small children, along for the ride with their Dave-loving parents. But then there was this new breed of fans (for lack of a better word). Dozens of young girls (and by young I mean late teens, maybe young 20s, which only makes me very, very old because I'm calling them young) with long, flowy skirts, tie dye shirts, and flower wreaths in their perfectly Pinterested wavy hair. They looked like hippies, only high maintenance instead of just plain high. But as always, Dave and the gang put on a great show, sure to please the hippie in us all (although I don't recall seeing the Pinterest hippies singing along to Dave's rendition of "Slip Sliding Away"). And to time stamp the photo for future reference, Kevin and I made duck faces:
Dayna didn't get the memo and just looks cute.
The rest of Dayna's visit was just perfect. It is always so great to have her here, and Camryn was beside herself after she left Monday night. "I [sob] just [sob] really [sob] miss [sob] Dayna!"
Me too, kid.
So I'm giving myself a pep talk to get through the rest of the summer without stressing out over what I'm not doing, but instead enjoying what I actually am doing. I'm logging many miles on bikes with my little ladies and trying to catch up with friends while we still have long days to fill with fun. We're reading lots of books and forgetting to record them all on our reading logs. We're going to beaches and pools and parks and going through gallons of sunscreen. We're living it up Psimas-style, as we know all too well that the summer is slip sliding away.