Tito and I have been together for an entire month today, so I guess you could say things are getting pretty serious. We celebrated this milestone by walking a whole mile this morning, our longest consecutive stretch. My gait feels pretty darn close to normal, and I think my pace is picking up a little bit as well. I'm excited to extend the walks a little further each time while maintaining my newfound healthy relationship with distance and pace. A common question I've been getting this week is "When will you be able to run?" My answer is simple and applies to most of the physical activities I look forward to resuming, and that's I don't know and I don't care. Feeling my strength and stamina improving every single day and knowing eventually I will get back to all the things I love is truly all I need to be happy right now.
That being said, the follow up appointment with my surgeon isn't for another week, and there are a few things I am chomping at the bit to get back to that I will be asking about:
1. Bending past 90 degrees. Mainly because I'd like to be able to clip my own toenails. I've been out of work for a month and just bought a new hip...I can't afford a pedicure.
2. Going down stairs like a normal person. I'm going up like a champ, but that eccentric motion of lowering one's bodyweight down a step is a lot on the hip and my PT told me to hold off on it for now. Which is fine, except with every passing day, I'm feeling more and more normal and sometimes forget the whole "down with the bad" thing. I've always caught myself, but I'm a little nervous that I'll fall down the stairs because I'm feeling so good, if that makes any sense.
3. Bridges. See last post about flat bottomed girls.
4. Riding my bike. Spring is here and when the weather is nice, I ride my bike almost as often as - if not more often than - I drive my car.
5. Walking in sand. Because my whole crew can't sit on the beach access boardwalk with me.
I went back to work this week so I don't need to ask about that, but I have a feeling I may forget to ask when I can get back to mopping floors, scrubbing bathtubs, and mowing the lawn. My vacation doesn't need to completely end yet, does it?