Today's task: SURVIVE
Today's outcome: TBD
I went to bed last night knowing that my original plan for this week's workouts was balled up in the trash. With Winter Storm Titan bearing down on us, I knew I would have to be flexible with my workout plans. Being flexible is not something I'm very good at right at this very moment. It seems as though in addition to being off-the-charts frustrated by this nagging knee, I'm experiencing a phenomenon known to runners that is affectionately called "Taper Madness." Here's a handy dandy chart to help you determine whether you're afflicted as well:
I thought this post by Sara at "Running from the Law" was incredibly relatable and summed up the madness quite nicely as well. I am experiencing a hypersensitivity much like one has during the last few weeks of pregnancy (there I go again, comparing this training to being pregnant!). Anything that merely irked me before is likely to send me into a fit of rage (ie, kids asking me to do things for them that they are highly capable of doing themselves, drivers in front of me staying behind the white line when waiting to make a left turn, I could go on and on). I am likely to get choked up about songs that come on the radio - happy, sad, or otherwise. The people I come in contact with might be a little safer if I could wear a t-shirt with this graphic for the next 13 days:
Now that you're aware of my declining mental state, we'll move on to my physical state, which does not appear to be much better right now. After a 5:20am phone call informing me schools were closed today, I got up and started my day with a pain-free leg workout. Firing up my quads, glutes, and hammies felt great, and I skipped the back portion of the workout so I'd have time to stretch, foam roll, and ice before my nephew arrived for the day. Off to a good start.
With the kids out of school, the fridge out of milk, and the car out of gas, I loaded up the rugrats to go load up on essentials. What was supposed to be an easy trip to Walmart with one child, who is easily appeased by goldfish crackers, ended up being this:
At least they're cute. And we have food now.
But my knee was yelling at me by the time I got home, which is extremely discouraging. There was no way I was going to beg my former co-workers for a favor with these three stooges in tow, so I'll have to wait until tomorrow when I'll just have Camryn. I started a new anti-inflammatory today and I'm still waiting for it to show me some kind of sign that it's working. I got the rest part of my treatment plan in the form of an hour long nap with this sleeping beauty:
She sensed I was feeling down and came to snuggle with me. Best nap ever. This never would have happened if it were just a regular old Monday afternoon, but it was a snow day, so anything goes. There's my something positive for today. That and the tacos I'm about to cook for dinner.

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