After a successful increase in running time last week, I was more excited than nervous about stepping it up again this week. While I still have a little bit of fear that my runs won't be pain-free, that fear is somewhere in the back of my mind, buried under a pile of some other useless crap instead of front and center. I'd like very much for it to stay way back there...I think it's good for it to be present to keep me from doing too much too soon, but it doesn't need to be all up in my business like a helicopter mom. I got this.
Monday was my first day of running 4 minutes, walking 1 minute. Still feeling a bit nervous running by myself knowing there's a creepy guy stalking runners in my neck of the woods, I thought it would be the perfect time to finally connect with Kristy from Breath of Sunshine. She had just raced over the weekend and needed some easy miles, so it was a perfect fit. We met at the oceanfront as the sun was coming up, and chit-chatted our way through just over 4 happy, healthy miles. It was a beautiful morning at the beach, and maybe the stunning sunrise was symbolic for what could be the beginning of a friendship that's just as lovely.

I tried to recruit another buddy for my second 4/1 run this week, but that didn't work out. I felt more comfortable getting the solo miles in at the oceanfront, where there are plenty of people out and about, even at the crack of dawn. A former patient of mine, who I'd see when I was doing my own physical therapy a few months ago, was out doing her usual early morning boardwalk stroll today, and I was able to chat with her for a second during one of my walk intervals. She said my therapist was wondering if I'm still doing my rehab exercises now that I'm running, and I told her to make sure she tells him emphatically YES!!! Diligently. Here's photographic proof:
Karen does clamshells by the seashore
Today's run was even better than Monday's, and little by little, I feel like I'm getting my groove back. I logged 4.3 miles today, and my splits were 9:20, 9:14, 9:12, 9:04. I'm still following the rules of my return to running program with easy paces, but I'm noticing that "easy" is getting faster each time I lace up. Since I have a hard time not knowing what comes next, I took a peek at what the program has in store for the next few weeks. And oh boy. Next week is 5 minutes running/1 minute walking x 6, and the following is 10 whole minutes of running/1 minute walking x 3. I don't want to get too excited because I don't know how the 5 minute intervals will treat me, but it's fun to have something to look forward to in the very near future.
I'm coming out of the dark of this injury, and I can finally picture myself running well again...someday. While most days I curse my knee and what it's put me through, I have come to realize I'm grateful for it as well. This experience has made me a smarter runner, which can only make me a better runner.
Running that marathon in spite of the pain showed me that I'm tougher than I realized, but this injury has shown me that I am not invincible. I am learning that running has a firm grip on my heart, and my life - and certainly my outlook on life - is just better when I'm running. Running gives me time with my thoughts, allowing me to neutralize any extreme emotions I may be feeling. I need running in my life, and I'm learning I'll do whatever it takes to keep it there.
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