Today's task: 16 miles at 8:45 min/mile
Today's weather: 21 degrees, SSW winds @15-20 mph, higher gusts
Today's outcome: 16 miles in 2:14:41 (8:25 min/mile pace)*
I have now completed nine weeks of this 16 week training program, and when I said on Day 1 that shit just got real, I had no idea how much realer it would get. Having trained for a few half marathons, I knew signing up for a full would be a huge commitment, but I'm really starting to feel the weight of it now. This goal I have set for myself is occupying so much more space in my head than I imagined it would. And it's not just on days I run, either...all I could think about yesterday was today's run. I was a total stressball. I was worried I wasn't eating and drinking enough all day...I think my nerves were messing with my appetite, and the frigid temps made it hard for me to keep drinking cold water. I did the best I could.
I was also worried about the road conditions. Typically when it snows in Virginia Beach, we have warmer days following the snowstorm and the snow is gone before you know it. Not the case this week...we only got 3 inches of snow on Tuesday night, and this is what it looks like outside my house this morning:

You could totally play ice hockey out in the street right there. I was out and about yesterday and noticed most streets were in much better shape than mine, but what about the sidewalks? I was doubtful it could possibly be clear from my house to 42nd street, and with strong SSW winds predicted for the morning, I starting trying to come up with Plan B. I made a quick trip out to TJ Maxx after dinner to return a pair of fleece lined running tights that didn't fit (sad tuba), and did some recon work on my way back home. I drove around to see which side streets were clear enough to run on if sidewalks were still a mess, and was pleasantly surprised by my findings. I felt a little better going to bed last night, knowing I shouldn't have much trouble if I stuck with two 8 mile loops instead of 8 out to 42nd street and 8 back, into the wind all the way home.
Seeing Ryan's face when he got back this morning confirmed that Plan B was the right choice. If you know my husband you, know the guy loves a challenge (hello, he married ME!). The more difficult something is physically, the more he enjoys it. Not today. He even used the word "brutal." Yikes.
Nervous as hell, I bundled up and got ready to head out the door. I was excited to test out the new jacket I got last night:
White, reflective, high neck, zippered pockets, thumb holes. Best $30 I've ever spent. Since I had no luck finding a smaller size in the fleece lined pants, I opted for my regular tights with a pair of shorts on top. Sexy.
As for the run, no complaints here. I wore my watch so I'd know how long it took, but I had no intentions of looking at it. Since I was wearing gloves, I didn't bother to write down mile markers and times on my hand. I had been so worked up over my nutrition, the ice, and whether I was layered appropriately that I just didn't need to add the stress of hitting my target pace to all of that. Some spots were totally clear and dry, others were covered in ice and I ran off to the side in the snow. Still others were so icy with no grass on the side that I ended up just walking across. This was pretty easy during the first loop, but got a little hairy during the second when my legs were tired and their connection to my brain were a little slower. But I stayed on my feet, so I'll take that as a success.

I stopped at my house for water and a potty break after the first loop, feeling really good going into the second. Kinda makes me want to smack myself for getting so worked up about the run. I was a bit colder for the second half of the run because I was sweaty from the first (and the sun went behind the clouds and the wind picked up!), but it kept me moving quickly. I was hoping for negative splits, but I ended up doing the first 8 miles in 1:06:06 and the second in 1:08:35 (hence the * in today's outcome). I'm so glad this run is behind me, and I'm going to try my best not to get so stressed out before the next big one (18 miles).
After some chocolate milk, a Clif bar, and a good stretch, I hopped into a nice hot shower. The ridiculous amount of layers I stripped off my body covered my bathroom floor:
A little something I learned appears Brynn may be even more like her mother than we once thought. With Ryan out for his run, I needed her to help me cover up the spot on my back that was still scabbed over from my bra during last week's long run. She did a killer job with the skin lube and telfa pad:
It felt great during the entire run, and it passed the true test (the shower) with flying colors. This kid may have a future in athletic training:
Virginia's the new Ithaca!
Now I get to enjoy the rest of my weekend. I won't even look at the plan for next week until tomorrow...that would just be cruel! Stay warm, friends!