Today's task: 1 mile easy, 4 miles @7:40 min/mile, 1 mile easy
Today's weather: 21 degrees, sunny, windy, snow on the ground!
Today's outcome: 1 mile in 8:30, 7:40, 7:35, 7:30, 7:24, 1 mile cool down (between 8 and 8:30 min/mile)
So we woke up to this:
And this:
We knew the snow was coming, so I was mentally prepared to run my miles inside today. Wasn't sure when or where, but I knew I'd get them in. We started the day playing in the yard for a while before Ryan had to eventually go to work (boooo). The girls warmed up with hot chocolate and a movie before lunch, then we ventured out to find any sort of slope we could use our sleds on.
Some HULAgans joined us for the snow stacher's maiden voyage:

While it was really fun to have both girls able to pull their own sleds up the hill instead of me dragging them in the sled up the hill, I'm glad Camryn still wanted to ride with me a couple of times.
Oh, the way this kid shrieks with delight as she starts down the hill! Only her giggles as we come to a stop after going airborne are better. These girls are so much fun. And then this happened:
Lemme 'splain. In a few weeks, I'll be jumping into the frigid Atlantic Ocean to raise money for Special Olympics Virginia, and I saw today's weather as an opportunity to pander for more donations. I posted on Facebook that I'd do snow angels in my bikini if I collected $50 in donations by noon today. Since I am a woman of my word (and I didn't specify eastern standard time), I threw myself on the front lawn and flapped away. All in the name of charity. If you're interested in supporting this great cause, you can make a donation on my secure fundraising website:
Once on my page, you can either donate toward my total or click on the tab that says "TEAM" and donate to one of my teammates. We're the HULAgans, and we'll be celebrating this year's plunge with a luau theme. Stay tuned for more of those shenanigans.
Back to today's run...there was just no way I was going to run outside today. As fun and different as it is to run in the snow, I was just too worried about getting hurt to be able to enjoy it. So off to the rec center (which was thankfully open!) I went. It was actually a lot more crowded than I expected, but thankfully it was mostly dudes getting their pump on and there were quite a few open treadmills. Since 4 miles at one speed is dreadfully boring on a treadmill, I decided to make today's run a little more progressive. First of all, I split up the run into two 3 mile segments, that way I was in control of when the treadmill stopped (it cuts off automatically after 30 minutes). I did the first mile of the tempo portion at 7.8, the next at 7.9, then 8.0, then 8.1. A nice little cool down that ranged between 7.0 and 7.5 and I was on my way home. An unremarkable run was a really fun way to end a rather remarkable snow day with my girls. I feel great knowing I got my miles in, and now I have two full days to rest up for Saturday's 16 miler...since this is Virginia Beach, every bit of white should be gone by then!
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