Today's task: 1 mile warm up, 2 x1600m @6:42 min/mile, 2 x 800m in 3:12 (60 second rest intervals), 1 mile cool down
Today's weather: 37 degrees, SW winds @ 15 mph
Today's outcome: 1 mile in 8:24, 6:21, 6:47, 3:18, 3:18, 1 mile in 9:10
Can we just start by saying I ran a 6:21 mile today?!?! By the great beard of Zeus!!! Perhaps I was a little over zealous because I was wearing my new shoes, but I think it's because I still have no idea how to feel these fast paces and just go balls to the wall for the first one and see how it goes. This strategery was rather unfavorable, as my stingy 60 second rest interval wasn't nearly long enough to retrieve said balls from said wall and run another mile that fast. My second 1600 was 5 seconds over my target pace, and the 800s were each 6 seconds over. I feel if I had even 15 more seconds of recovery time, my results may have been different, but sadly, my bible did not call for 75 second rest intervals. So today, I'll be excited about the anomaly that was that first 1600 instead of being discouraged by the other intervals being over target. The silver lining is that they were a consistent amount over my target pace, which is helpful to know going into my next interval workout.
Since today was Martin Luther King Day and the kids were out of school, I got my run in before Ryan had to go to work and did legs and back afterward. Saying my legs were fatigued during that workout is quite the understatement, and I'm curious to see how they feel tomorrow. Someone had recently tried to sell us on the healing powers of Asea water (the saline solution that is the "first and only source of balanced stabilized Redox signaling molecules outside the body" and is available for the bargain price of $75 for 64 ounces, but less if you join their network marketing (um, pyramid) team). Call me a skeptic, but usually if something sounds too good to be true, it most likely is. I'll stick with my post-run chocolate milk and its carbs, calcium, sodium, potassium, and protein blend for around $4 a gallon. You can check out this article from Runner's World for more info about the magically delicious recovery powers of chocolate milk.
After doing legs and back, I ran upstairs to shower before heading off to the dentist with the girls. I had worn my new sneakers for my run, but changed into the identical old pair for P90X in an effort to preserve the new ones for as long as possible. In my haste, both pair of shoes ended up being very close to one another on the floor, and I had a brief moment of panic:
Which ones are the new shoes??? I felt like a mom of identical twins who couldn't tell her babies apart. I think I just may have to put some nail polish on the new pair so I know which ones to grab in the dark for an early morning run.
The rest of our MLK Day was quite lovely, with sunny skies, warm temperatures, and a cavity free x3 visit to the dentist. After the dentist, we were ladies who lunched at Tropical Smoothie, where I was more than pleasantly surprised by how good the Island Green smoothie is (spinach, kale, mango, pineapple, banana). We don't go out to eat very often, so the girls were excited about their smoothies and chips with Mom.
We had a great visit with my mother-in-law after lunch, where we soaked up some vitamin D in the backyard while the girls fed the ducks and played fetch with the neighbors' golden retriever. With weather like today's, it's hard to imagine a couple of inches of snow being in the forecast for tomorrow night, but that's the way it goes in Virginia Beach! And of course the first thing I think about is how another polar vortex will affect Wednesday's tempo run. I don't mind the cold, but at this stage in the game, I doubt I'll be down with running in icy conditions...I did not come this far to get hurt because of some stupid Canadian air mass!!! And if the city freaks out and shuts down schools, I'll have stir crazy kids to entertain instead of the whopping 1.5 hours of kid-free time I was expecting to use to get those miles in. Too many what if's to worry about right now, so we'll just have to wait and see. Until then, I hope everyone has had a good start to their week. I leave you with a few inspiring quotes from the man whose memory we honor today:

Can we just start by saying I ran a 6:21 mile today?!?! By the great beard of Zeus!!! Perhaps I was a little over zealous because I was wearing my new shoes, but I think it's because I still have no idea how to feel these fast paces and just go balls to the wall for the first one and see how it goes. This strategery was rather unfavorable, as my stingy 60 second rest interval wasn't nearly long enough to retrieve said balls from said wall and run another mile that fast. My second 1600 was 5 seconds over my target pace, and the 800s were each 6 seconds over. I feel if I had even 15 more seconds of recovery time, my results may have been different, but sadly, my bible did not call for 75 second rest intervals. So today, I'll be excited about the anomaly that was that first 1600 instead of being discouraged by the other intervals being over target. The silver lining is that they were a consistent amount over my target pace, which is helpful to know going into my next interval workout.
Since today was Martin Luther King Day and the kids were out of school, I got my run in before Ryan had to go to work and did legs and back afterward. Saying my legs were fatigued during that workout is quite the understatement, and I'm curious to see how they feel tomorrow. Someone had recently tried to sell us on the healing powers of Asea water (the saline solution that is the "first and only source of balanced stabilized Redox signaling molecules outside the body" and is available for the bargain price of $75 for 64 ounces, but less if you join their network marketing (um, pyramid) team). Call me a skeptic, but usually if something sounds too good to be true, it most likely is. I'll stick with my post-run chocolate milk and its carbs, calcium, sodium, potassium, and protein blend for around $4 a gallon. You can check out this article from Runner's World for more info about the magically delicious recovery powers of chocolate milk.
After doing legs and back, I ran upstairs to shower before heading off to the dentist with the girls. I had worn my new sneakers for my run, but changed into the identical old pair for P90X in an effort to preserve the new ones for as long as possible. In my haste, both pair of shoes ended up being very close to one another on the floor, and I had a brief moment of panic:
Which ones are the new shoes??? I felt like a mom of identical twins who couldn't tell her babies apart. I think I just may have to put some nail polish on the new pair so I know which ones to grab in the dark for an early morning run.
The rest of our MLK Day was quite lovely, with sunny skies, warm temperatures, and a cavity free x3 visit to the dentist. After the dentist, we were ladies who lunched at Tropical Smoothie, where I was more than pleasantly surprised by how good the Island Green smoothie is (spinach, kale, mango, pineapple, banana). We don't go out to eat very often, so the girls were excited about their smoothies and chips with Mom.
We had a great visit with my mother-in-law after lunch, where we soaked up some vitamin D in the backyard while the girls fed the ducks and played fetch with the neighbors' golden retriever. With weather like today's, it's hard to imagine a couple of inches of snow being in the forecast for tomorrow night, but that's the way it goes in Virginia Beach! And of course the first thing I think about is how another polar vortex will affect Wednesday's tempo run. I don't mind the cold, but at this stage in the game, I doubt I'll be down with running in icy conditions...I did not come this far to get hurt because of some stupid Canadian air mass!!! And if the city freaks out and shuts down schools, I'll have stir crazy kids to entertain instead of the whopping 1.5 hours of kid-free time I was expecting to use to get those miles in. Too many what if's to worry about right now, so we'll just have to wait and see. Until then, I hope everyone has had a good start to their week. I leave you with a few inspiring quotes from the man whose memory we honor today:
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