Today's task: 10 minute warm up, 1000m, 2000m, 1000m, 1000m, 10 minute cool down (1000s in 4:05, 2000 in 8:30, 400m rest interval)
Today's weather: 52 degrees, breezy, rain showers
Today's outcome: 8:53 minute warm up, 4:08, 4:10, 4:04, 4:01, 10 minute cool down
Apparently my brain is still completely scattered from being out of our usual routine for a while. When I was mapping out today's intervals, I forgot the second one was supposed to be 2000m and I wrote down the landmark for 1000m instead. As soon as I started running that second interval, I realized my mistake.
So irritated with myself. Not to mention I was 5 seconds over my target pace for that botched interval as well!!! I'll chalk it up to not running fast in a while. I was pleased to see the last 2 x 1000s were faster than the first, and my burning lungs should have been enough of an indication.
I was rather amused by the weather on today's run. There were some ominous clouds in the distance when I got home after dropping Camryn off at school, so I grabbed my hat, assuming I'd be rained on at some point. What I didn't expect was the rain to be perfectly in sync with my intervals...when I sped up, it poured, and when I had a rest interval, the rain either slowed considerably or stopped altogether. Weird.
I've been thinking more about this week's long run...I was on the fence about running it on Friday, but now I think I have myself convinced that I should. I can go while Camryn's in school (using up every last minute of her time there!), leaving me as much time as I need on Saturday morning to paint a Hawaiian shirt on my brother's body for the Polar Plunge. Yes, you read that right. As is tradition, I will be painting my brother's costume on him. Check out some pictures from years past and you'll see why I'll need all the time I can get to complete the task:

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