Today's task: run the Virginia is for Lovers 14K with my partner in crime
Today's weather: 28 degrees
Today's outcome: no race, but great day!
Allow me to wallow for just a minute. I've been torturing myself by looking at my Facebook newsfeed and seeing everything I missed out on today thanks to the mystery virus that brought 75% of my household to its knees last week. I missed stuff like this:

I so wanted that white windbreaker for my windy runs in the dark!
Photo courtesy of J&A Racing
And this:

Photo courtesy of J&A Racing
And this:

Olivia Newton-John and Richard Simmons got physical on the race course today.
Photo courtesy of J&A Racing
And this:

Sunday morning beers
Photo courtesy of J&A Racing
And this:

Tomato and cheese soup would have paired so nicely with some post-race brews.
Photo courtesy of J&A Racing
Can you see why I love these races??? I'm having a hard time believing it myself, but I'm still not back to 100% yet. You can still hear it in my voice, and the nasal and chest congestion has yet to leave the building. This crud has officially overstayed its welcome and needs to be gone. So as hard as it was, I'm still convinced my decision to defer today's race entry was the right one for my body. My weekend would have been very different had I run that race, and since I didn't, I got to do stuff like this:
We went out for pizza last night with some of our favorite people, whom we hadn't seen in far too long. Going out for pizza the night before a race would have never ever happened, so this was a fantastic way to cheer me up!
I slept until 7:30 this morning. Enough said.
The girls and I started our morning with the game of Life. Camryn hands it to us every time we play. As long as she finishes with a car full of babies, she's happy.
When it warmed up a bit, we all got dressed and went out for a family run. Thanks to Mother Nature's shenanigans, Brynn is a bit behind on her mileage for the Shamrock Final Mile, so we tried to put a little dent in it today.
I cannot even express how much I love running with this girl. I hope we do it forever.
As of tomorrow, the crud of the past two weeks will be put way in the past, and I will restart my training plan with a clean slate. I took a peek at what's in store this week, and it has me shaking in my slippers. I'm sure I'll have to adjust my target paces until I find my lungs and legs again, but I'm really looking forward to getting back on track. Only 4 weeks to go until race day, which means a taper is near. Until then, I plan to hit it hard! Hope you've enjoyed your weekend!
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