Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Just eat it

Today has been full of Plan B's.  None of the contraceptive variety either, thank you very much.  A few examples:

Plan A1:  Wake up and do P90X2's Recovery and Mobility workout with Ryan.
Plan B1:  Sleep in.  Hell, the kids are in camp, I can workout later!

Plan A2:  Finally take the SUP yoga class I've been wanting to do since last summer.
Plan B2:  Rollerblade at the oceanfront (never heard back from the yoga people as to whether there was room for me today).

Plan A3:  Skate the length of the boardwalk and back with speed and grace.
Plan B3:  Managed the former, not so much the latter.

Plan A4:  Follow along with Tony Horton for P90X2's Total Body workout since I don't want to skip it for tomorrow's run and don't feel like making time to do both.
Plan B4:  Thanks to a perfectly timed power outage, I completed the workout sans Tony (and a/c and fans in my sauna of a room over the garage!) but with Salt n Pepa, Outkast, and Biz Markie.

Four Plan B's, all before 11am.  Hoping I can stick with Plan A for the rest of the day.  

This morning was pretty hot and sticky, but there wasn't too much wind to speak of, making it an ideal day for me to rollerblade at the oceanfront (that and not having any children to push in a stroller!).  I headed up there after dropping the girls off at camp and my nephew off at home.  The plan was to finish by 10 and avoid either pumping quarters in the meter or getting a parking ticket (that plan went off without a hitch...winning!).  There was a crap load of people out and about - feeding seagulls, riding bikes in places that aren't the bike path, meandering about with no regard to who might be zooming up beside them as they veer across the boardwalk - typical July in Virginia Beach kinda stuff.  Tourist traffic is always particularly busy by the Hilton, as people are always crossing back and forth to get the coveted picture with the King Neptune statue.  As luck would have it, this is the precise location I would pick up a piece of mulch in my right skate.  What happened next can be illustrated using a simple math equation:



*This picture of me prone on the sandy boardwalk is a reenactment for dramatic purposes. 

 The lovely bikini-clad girl who was recruiting potential surf camp victims customers was kind enough to take the picture for me.  She was also sweet enough to ask if I was ok after I explained why I needed said picture of me sprawled out on the ground, which is more than I can say for all of those tourists who actually witnessed me skid along the boardwalk.  See if I offer to take a family picture for all you Ohioans, Pennsylvanians, and Quebecois ever again!!!  Your disregard for a fellow human's well being makes me long for September when you inconsiderate people are all back home in your La-Z-Boys (I'm totally and completely fine, by the way).  

[steps off soap box]

Once I removed the culprit of shredded tree remains out of my skate, I managed to finish what I had set out to do.  Due to the tourist traffic, the sand on the boardwalk, and my spill (why didn't I think to pause Map My Run???), my time wasn't one for the record books.  It felt great to get out there again though, as I haven't skated in about a month.  Another reason to look forward to September!

I got home and decided I'd do Total Body instead of Recovery and Mobility...I have to get another 25 minute run in tomorrow, and I think early morning before the girls get up is my best window of opportunity.  I popped the DVD in, turned on my industrial fan to help with the heat, and started warming up with Tony, Dreya, and the gang.  Then zap.  Power goes out.  And stays out.  Ugh.  

I didn't really need to have the tv on since I had the worksheet with all of the exercises to go off of, but good god did I miss my fans!!!  Drenched is a gross understatement of the condition of my body and clothing when I was done.  But it was a fun workout, and getting it done in less than ideal temperatures only makes me hold my head a little higher.  Here are a few reasons I love this workout so much:

Pull ups with four different hand grips, not to mention the ones called "crunchy levers" - YOWZAS!

Bicep curls and tricep kick backs in Warrior 3 stance

Overhead press in half chair stance
Clearly, they don't call it Total Body for nothing!  I cannot say enough good things about the P90X programs.  They are incredibly well rounded, addressing strength, balance, power, and flexibility.  Tony's instruction is superb, with ways to modify each and every move for those just starting their exercise journey to those who need a substantial challenge to maintain fitness.  Worth every penny.  And wouldn't you know, the power came back on the minute I finished my workout and went downstairs?!

Yesterday's 25 minute run was a success...pain free and I felt strong from start to finish.  I managed to get in a hair over 3 miles, along with some squats and lunges while waiting for my friend to finish her speed work.  I hope tomorrow is more of the same - pain free miles that bring the smiles!

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