Wednesday, October 8, 2014

You can go with this or you can go with that

Before I go to bed each night, I mentally plan how I'll fit in my workout(s) the following day.  Last night, I made the decision to skip Plyometrics early morning and run on fresh legs after Camryn went to school.  I'd have my nephew with me and would have to drag him along (well, push him along) for the 7 miles on my training plan, but for some reason I thought I was up for the challenge*.

*I believe the farthest I've ever pushed a jogging stroller was 6 miles, which is why I had no reservations about skipping Plyometrics.

Camryn got on the bus, and the thought of pushing a stroller for 7 miles around the neighborhood was less than appealing, so I threw the kid and the stroller in the car and headed toward the oceanfront.  I parked by the boat ramp, did my old lady warm-up, and off we went.  I knew the wind would be tough, but that's the price I was willing to pay for not getting up early to go solo.  

Pushing the stroller over the bridge at Rudee Inlet was something new to me, and I could feel my calves digging in to get the job done.  I also used the hand brake for the first time since acquiring the stroller almost 8 years ago (ahhhh sweet, flat Virginia Beach!).  Realizing I wouldn't go far without a potty stop, I headed back south after crossing the bridge to use the restroom at 2nd Street.  Knowing I wouldn't be turning around until I hit the end of the boardwalk was a little daunting, but it was so beautiful outside that I figured I'd just enjoy the sunshine and salty air and not think about the distance too much.  

Today's task:  Tempo run of 7 miles, alternating between an easy pace and 7:41.

I'll let the numbers set up the story:

Mile 1 - It's been a goal of mine to start out slower on these training runs, and 8:51 is right on track.  Yay.
Mile 2 - Either my potty stop screwed up my app or I am the fastest woman alive.  I think it's the former.
Mile 3 - Feeling like I'm becoming more consistent with feeling an easy pace.
Mile 4 - Keeping good form and feeling my pace is tricky when pushing a stroller, so I was thrilled to see that this mile was right on target.  I'm guessing Mile 2's pace was similar to this one.
Mile 5 - I hit the end of the boardwalk and turned around to run south at some point during mile.  With winds out of the southwest, I was working hard to push that stroller.
Mile 6 - Miserable.  Well, the first half was ok but the second half was tough.  It felt like an all out effort to keep forward momentum going, and my breathing was suffering greatly.  I had no choice but to slow down a good deal for the last 1/4 mile.  
Mile 7 - After guzzling some water at the fountain outside Waterman's (where I really would have rather guzzled an orange crush), I headed back to my car.  By this point, my shorts were eating up my inner thighs and my legs were spent.  Pushing the stroller up the bridge was a killer, and once my app told me I hit 7 miles, I walked the rest of the way back to the car (maybe another 1/4 mile).  So glad that was over!

There is magic in misery.

When I got back to the car, I realized my car keys had fallen off the stroller at some point.  Greeeeeeeat.  I headed back toward the oceanfront, hoping against hope they were nearby and not at, say, 39th Street!  Hope turned into despair when I asked a lady walking toward me if she had seen any keys along the way and she said no.  But the running gods must have wanted me to cool down just a little longer because not too far up the street, my keys were sitting right in the middle of the sidewalk.  Yesssss.  

So, I'm not sure why I thought pushing a jogging stroller 7 miles in the midday sun on a windy day would be more enjoyable than just getting my ass out of bed at 5:15am to go it alone, but despite some nasty chafing and a few moments of panic over lost keys, I guess in some ways it was.  



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