Sunday, August 13, 2017

New York City Marathon - Week 3

"Is it worth it?  Let me work it."
~Missy Elliott

Week 3 signaled the end of the honeymoon phase of marathon training.  It didn't help that Week 2 ended with a bunch of beers, but that's neither here nor there. 

 Completing the workouts on my training plan is incredibly satisfying, especially when I earn that feeling of accomplishment before my kids are even awake, but it does come with added pressure to get it done.  One of my 67,489 goals for the next few months is to make sure it's a healthy amount of pressure and I cut myself some slack when needed.

5 miles with 20 minutes of tempo
Due to Sunday night's poor - albeit fun - decisions, I knew there was no way I was getting up at 0-dark-thirty and having myself a good tempo run.  I am hyperaware of weather conditions these days, so I knew damn well I'd be able to get this run in a little later in the morning without suffering greatly.  While the physical suffering was minimal thanks to fall like temps and humidity, the mental suffering was almost too much to bear as I had to make this outing fun for my kids as well.  So thank you, Sherwood Lakes, for your bike path, pretty views, delicious breeze, and classmates for my kids to play with while I got to work.

Easy 7 + P90X2 chest + shoulders + triceps
I got to share 5 out of 7 of Tuesday's easy miles with Karen, who despite already having her ass handed to her by her trainer that morning, was dragging me along for the better part of this run.  This chick is no joke.  I'm a little afraid of her.

Tricep dips on med balls, anyone?  

This one's called the 3 ball extravaganza and I giggle every time I hear it.  Step 1 is a push up with each hand on a med ball and both feet sharing another.

Step 2 is bringing your knee to your elbow while the foot that's still on the med ball shakes precariously behind you.  The 3 ball extravaganza hurts.  Everywhere.

4 easy with 3 pick ups
I struggled to get out of bed for this one.  Mommin' wasn't easy the day before and I was beat.  But it had to be done early in the morning so I got myself up and out the door.  
Box = checked.

Life goal = being able to do full splits forever.  Only on my good leg though.  Seriously, who needs to do full splits on their bad leg when they're old and grey?  Crazy people, that's who.

14 miles
Mile 1

Mile 10ish

I don't know what it is about double digit runs that gets me every time.  I've done countless runs over 10 miles and plenty over the half marathon distance of 13.1, yet there's an uncertainty about every single 10+ mile run that makes me anxious.  I don't dread every one of these runs, but I get a nervous stomach when I wake up to do them, making it hard to get down the necessary fuel I'll need to complete them.  Add the fear of oversleeping that comes along with an alarm that's set for 4:30am and you've got a pretty rough morning before you even walk out the door.  But knowing a good sunrise (and 2 hours of glorious, much needed solitude) awaits helps a little.

I broke these 14 miles up into two 7 mile runs, both mentally and physically.  I didn't want to run to the oceanfront and back by myself so early in the morning (scary!), and I also didn't want to run one loop twice (boring!).  So I did my go-to 7 mile route first, stopped at home for water and a bathroom break - one that I didn't actually need but wasn't stupid enough to pass up - and continued on for a completely different 7 mile route feeling like it was a brand new day.  

4 easy
So far, I'd have to say these shorter easy runs the day after the long runs are the toughest - mentally, at least.  It's not that I've been hurting after the long runs - I'm working really hard at keeping those at a super easy pace - but I think in the past, I've always had a rest day after a long run and old habits are hard to break.  

There aren't many, so I take rest days very seriously.

Week 3 ended with me feeling pretty good about how the workouts went, but also more than ready for a cut back week.  Week 4 brings way fewer miles and lots of easy paces.  Oh, and a little 8k through sand and mud to close out the week.  Doh!

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