Saturday, January 4, 2014

Day 18: Break on through to the other side

Today's task:  14 miles @8:45 min/mile pace
Today's weather:  22 degrees, light northeast wind

Today's outcome:  14 miles in 1:58:47 (8:30 min/mile pace)

AHHHHHH!!!  Today was the first time I've ever run more than 13.1 miles, and I am pleased to report that it went as well as it possibly could have.  Sure it was cold out, but there was no stiff wind to contend with, and my body felt good and strong.  I ran from my house to 29th street at the oceanfront and back, and I think I can officially say that the bridge at Rudee Inlet no longer intimidates me.  It breaks up the monotony of a long, flat course, and the view from the top is spectacular.

I typically prefer running a loop to an out-and-back course, but out-and-back might be the way to go on these long distances.  It's easy to break the run down into mentally manageable segments, and coming back always seems shorter than going out.  Not to mention the fact that there are quite a few places I can stop for potty breaks or water that don't involve banging on a stranger's front door.  

Here's a look at today's run, by the numbers:

8 - difference between the number on the thermometer and the number of miles I ran.  That just ain't right.

5 - as in "Only 5 more miles to go!"  Never in my life had those words been uttered while running.  I don't think I've ever even said that while driving.  

1187 - number of calories burned during today's run, or 257 fewer than my suggested daily caloric intake.  

1 - number of spots on my body that got chafed during today's miles.  It's typically at least 3, and this one didn't even burn in the shower...winning!

13 - time in minutes spent in the shower post-run

0 - gallons of hot water left after said shower

27 - number of miles logged this week, which is a record high for me.

Looking forward to a bit of a recovery week this coming week, with my P90X workouts being focused on core strength and stretching.  Two days of yoga will be so good for the body and soul, and one day is an hour of just plain stretching.  Feeling loosey goosey already.  But now it's time to think about how I'm going to replenish all those calories I burned today...what to eat, what to eat?

A lot.

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