Monday, January 27, 2014

Day 28: Mixed up Monday

Today's task:  10 miles at 8:02 min/mile (marathon pace)*
Today's weather:  48 degrees, SW winds @14 mph

Today's outcome:  10 miles in 1:18:31 (7:50 min/mile)

I love my children.  And my husband.  More than anything.  Ever.  But I was really, really relieved when both kids went to school today and the mister went to work.  My introverted self was needing a little time of not listening or talking to anyone at all.  I dropped Camryn off at school with a maniacal grin on my face because my time had finally arrived.  Cue VB's own Grammy winner, Pharrell:

Mondays are usually my interval days, but I thought it wise to switch it up and do my tempo run today instead of Wednesday.  At first, it was because I am supposed to be watching my nephew on Wednesday.  Since I would not subject either him or myself to 10 miles with a jogging stroller, nor did I feel the desire to complete a 10 miler before 7am, today was the day.  This decision was solidified by all the talk on tv, radio, and social media about a "snow event" Tuesday into Wednesday.  I can do a few miles of intervals on a treadmill...I will not do 10 miles on one.  

As I embarked on my tempo run, I felt so light and free.  I had my new shoes on, only two layers on top, nothing covering my head, and a bloodstream full of caffeine.  The sidewalks were clear for the most part, and I could just go.  I spent a lot time along Dam Neck running in the grass next to the still-icy sidewalk, but I think that was the running gods' way of telling me to quit pounding the pavement and get on some softer surfaces for a bit.  The grass was the perfect lost that frozen crunch but wasn't quite mucky mud yet.  I looked at my watch about every other mile to make sure I hadn't fallen behind pace, but I could feel my pace being faster than what it needed to be and just let myself go with it.  I cannot even explain how great this run felt.  There was one spot around mile 8 when I spread my arms like airplane wings and when around a 90 degree turn.  Freedom!!!  

Wednesday's interval workout will remain a mystery until we have a better understanding of what the weather will be like...I'm assuming it'll be a treadmill run, but will the rec center even be open is the question!  Exploring options, not letting it stress me out thanks to a great run today.  Hope your week is off to a great start as well!

Look ma!  No jacket!  Or hat!  Or frostbite!

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