Friday, February 14, 2014

Day 36: Don't call it a comeback

Today's self-imposed task:  5 easy miles
Today's weather:  50 degrees, sunny, 15-20 mph southwest winds

Today's outcome:  5.1 miles in 41:54 (8:14 min/mile)

That's right.  I ran today.  I'll get to that in a minute.  First things first...I slept alllll night last night!!!  My Cheratussin did its thing, keeping my cough at bay and guiding me into a peaceful slumber.

Sleep like a husband

I woke up with the alarm clock, hit my regular number of snoozes, and convinced myself that 30 minutes of yoga would do me better than 30 more minutes of sleep.  I donned the yoga pants and tank that haven't been worn in two weeks, and hit the mat with my biggest Valentine.  It looked nothing like this:

Acro yoga

I don't know about Ryan, but I'd love to try some couples acro yoga sometime.  Could be good training for when we enter the tandem surf contest at ECSCs.  He just doesn't know it yet.

Back to the run.  The slow, easy, glorious run.  I wore my watch so I'd have a vague idea of my pace, but I never looked at it until I finished.  I loved every minute of that run.  The sunshine on my pale, lifeless skin, the wind whipping my ponytail, the mud on my shoes.  My decision to withdraw from this weekend's race was reaffirmed when before mile 2, I saw another runner turn from a side street onto the path I was on.  My natural tendency would be to reel her in and pass her, and I had to fight that urge with all of my being.  Knowing myself, I wouldn't fight so hard in a race setting, so I'm glad I'm not putting myself in that position.  

By mile 4, I could tell that my lung capacity just isn't up to snuff yet.  Taking in deep breaths invokes a coughing fit, and thanks to childbirth x 2, I can no longer run while coughing without peeing in my pants a little (or a lot, if we're being honest).  Less oxygen = more fatigue, and I could really feel myself laboring going into the wind.  I sounded terrible once I stopped running - hacking up a lung right there in my driveway - but I think the run was good for clearing out the cobwebs and getting me back on track.  I anticipate more miles in my weekend plans, though I don't know which day or how many.  I'm just so relieved to have that first run under my belt and that it wasn't absolutely dreadful.  Don't call it a comeback.


  1. You don't know how much I envy your "easy run" pace. As a slow and old jogging novice I'm really enjoying reading about your race prep. Hope you continue to feel better!

  2. Thanks for the kind words, Karen! It feels great to know someone is reading this other than my best friend and blood relatives, haha! I can assure you it has taken me years to get to this "easy" pace, but I've really enjoyed the journey and the people I've met along the way. As long as you enjoy yourself, you really can't go wrong!

  3. Glad to hear you are back. And yes, I do read this and look forward to it! I would also look forward to talking to you sometime soon?? Unless you can't talk without hacking up a lung, then of course I'd understand.
