Saturday, March 1, 2014

Day 44: Help! I need somebody!

Today's task:  13 miles @8:13 min/mile pace
Today's weather:  39 degrees, breezy

Today's outcome:  6 miles in 46:58 (7:42 min/mile pace)

If we only look at today's outcome, one might say I had a great run.  All things considered, I will say it was decent, as I am at a point in my training where negative thoughts need to be pushed aside quickly.  

No negative thoughts allowed

I was nervous all morning just thinking about today's run.  And I was irritated because it was pretty cold and I'm just tired of it being cold.  I really wanted to run those 13 miles today.  My IT band apparently did not.  Despite my extra time stretching and a quick foam rolling session before heading out, that stabbing pain was back in full force by mile 2.  I was hoping that with each passing mile it would have settled in and just chilled the F out, but that didn't happen.  And although it didn't feel much worse by the time I finished 6 miles, I do worry about what will happen trying to run 26.2.  And I worry about how I'm going to get through five more workouts before the race.  And I worry that I'm worrying too much.  

So I sent an SOS message to Jocelyn, my kick ass marathoner/athletic trainer friend, for advice.  It started a little something like this:


I missed her call, and when I called her back, I was lucky enough to get two runners/trainers for the price of one, as Jocelyn was out to dinner with our fellow Bomber Megan.  

They promised to brainstorm over fondue and get back to me with a plan tomorrow.  I'm nervous but excited to hear what they come up with, and until I have the plan, I'll continue with this:

And this:

And this:

And of course more ice, which has become a surprisingly enjoyable past time for me lately.  February is over and done with, and it's time to welcome March and all its Madness with open arms.  I can forsee my mental and emotional strength being tested this month, so I hope the whole "in like a lion, out like a lamb" saying has some truth to it for me.  

in like a lion, out like a lamb

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