Monday, March 31, 2014

Ready to rock you

Two great things about today:
1)  It's the last day of March
2)  My college education didn't go to waste

Let's discuss #1 first.  Hey March?  Yeah, don't let the door hit you in the ass on your way out.  Goodbye and good riddance!  I've been hurting - sometimes emotionally, all the time physically - for your entire duration, and I'm soooo over it.  I can't be 100% angry with you though...I completed my first marathon while you were here, and it was a truly remarkable experience and one I will never forget.  For that, I sincerely thank you.  But as for the rest of your bullshit, however, take a hike!

Time to hit the road Jack....

Moving on to #2.  I haven't practiced as an athletic trainer since my first daughter was born,  7+ years ago.  And even then, it was in a physical therapy clinic, and my injury assessment skills were hardly ever put to use.  At the recommendation of my fellow Bomber, Jackie, I saw an orthopedist today, whose specialty is in running and overuse injuries.  Granted, he works for the Children's Hospital and primarily sees kids, but I figured I'm child-sized anyway, so let's give him a shot.  I was relieved when Dr. Brenner confirmed my self-diagnosis of IT Band Syndrome, as it meant he didn't believe there was something more sinister going on with my left leg (although ask any runner and they'll tell you IT band issues are as sinister as the devil himself!).  He assured me that my self-treatment had been right on track and that I should keep on keepin' on, along with starting physical therapy.  Everything but the "let's hold off on running until I see you again in 5 weeks" part sounded great.  

I was expecting to hear that I shouldn't run for a certain number of weeks, so this didn't come as a complete surprise.  I was mentally prepared to take more time off, and I was even thinking about my plan of attack while I was sitting in the waiting room.  I will approach the next few weeks of rehab just as I approached my race training...with focus, determination, and dedication.  I know there will be good days and bad days, but as long as I'm making overall progress toward the goal of getting this leg healthy, so be it.  I am happy to put in the work, and I have assembled an all-star team of medical support to guide me along the way.  Rehab, I'm ready to rock you.  Let's do this thing.

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